30 November 2008

Mallorca : lousy day & Cala Torta (14-15/08)

Next day, we tried to go around biking, so we take the bikes, a bike path to Pollença, supposed to be very pretty (the little we saw was indeed), and 4 km from the house, I just happen to have around 20 pins stuck in my tyres ... Not to mention the way back walking (of course no phoine network where we were to call the bike shop) while Benoit was going home biking to try to find some tools. we then had to wait the bike shop opened again to call them (siesta between 12 and 15) so that they could come pick them up. The bonus is that they never told us we'd be charged for it ... Well they did (bastards).

The day being really wasted, we were not in a super mood for the party at the finca this night, which was the departure party of Anne :). Thing is the boss of the funca transformed it into a party for him as well, so he invited few of his friends. So half the people didn't know the other half... but between some presentations of some of these guys and a movie about a amazonian tribe, the evening went well. Towards the end, without expecting anything for the rest of the night, we found ourselves going to Alaro, where they had their fiesta del pueblo, so crowded we had to park 2kms away from the center of the city.

Part of the gang who with went to Alaro with

And there was so many people there, dancing, enjoying the DJ music (which sucked :P) that we forgot all the rest of the shitty day we had, apart at the moment where it started to rain on us for like 15 minutes, just time to get soaked... Just a reminder I guess. Refreshing though. Then back home, 7am, dancing in the car, and everybody off to bed.

Next day, we want to make it a big day. We decide to rent a car and head to the north of Mallorca, to go to Arta and the beaches around. Hitchhiking to go the Port d'Alcudia, a guy take us there in his van, nice guy, and when we go off the van he says ok go to this agency and say i told you to go, they'll give you a discount. How cool is that.

Ben and his so-friendly-look-a-bunch-of-people-did-not-take-us ...

Unfortunately, apart from a Mini and a Jeep, there's not much choice, so we rent somewhere else a Polo (yeah baby yeah). We then head to Cala Mata through Arta to picnic, so cool place, but the darkness is coming upon us.


We head then to Cala Torta, supposedly the most beautiful around, and we see this guy with his car stuck in the sand... At that time of the day, there's nothing to do but leave it and sleep on the beach. So they did. And we went for a walk on the beach, great views at the end of the day!

25 September 2008

Deer Park (again) (19/09)

Une session photo dans le parc des daims (Lyngby), en fin de journée.

Just a photo session in the Deer Park, at the end of the day.

Fall's coming

Island, tree and ducks

Deers and horns

Breeding period

18 September 2008

Mallorca: La finca, Can Picafort, Alcudia & Cap des Pinar (12-13/08)

Troisième jour, visite de la finca qui s'occupe de vautours où travaille Anne.

Third day, visit of the finca takin care of vultures in which Anne is working.

A pair of black vultures (vautours moines)

The punk horse of the finca

En fin de journée avec les parents de Benoit, barbecue sur la plage de Can Picafort, près d'une zone touristique.

Later this day, we went for a barbecue on Cap Picafort, a long beach near a touristic area.

While having a walk around the beach

Aaaaaaaaaants !

There's a cicada there, somwhere (Il y a une cigale sur l'arbre, quelque part)

On the beach, parasols under da moon

A view from the Can Picafort beach (attempt of a panoramic view...) (click = bigger)

This one could be an ad. for John Deere tractors on the beach : "Get a John Deere, you'll have fun there (
flattening the sand)!"

Quatrième jour, les parents de Benoit nous déposent à Alcudia, où on loue des vélos poru aller à Cap des Pinar, une belle péninsule (avec beaucoup de montées et descentes) où on passe l'aprèm à se ballader et où on trouve une superbe plage.

Fourth day, Benoit's parents drop us in Alcudia, where we rent bikes to go to el Cap des Pinar, a nice peninsula (but with a lot of up-hills) where we spend the afternoon and find a fantastic (bitch) beach.

Decoration for maybe la fiesta del pueblo (village party) in Alcudia. We saw these strings of papers in several cities, as in summer every city has its own fiesta, spread all July and August.

On the way to Port d'Alcudia

Beginning of the peninsula of Cap des Pinar

Beauty of nature

Exploring the nature with the mountain bikes

The way was up and down and up and down ... not done for mountain bikes, and even less for us at all

On the way to the (bitch) beach, lost as hell, but beautiful as heaven

Rocks, splash, ...

... lost beach ...

Il devait y avoir 10 personnes sur la place, surement parce qu'elle est pas super facile d'accès (prendre la route d'Alcudia, une heure de vélo, prendre un chemin graveleux, laisser les vélos, marcher sur un petit sentier 20 minutes, descendre à la plage en longeant le flanc de la montagne, et vous y êtes). Ca explique peut être aussi le tas de détritus au milieu de la plage. On dirait que les gens s'embêtaient pas à ramener leurs poubelles avec eux et les laisser là ... Et évidemment, comme la plage est pas facile d'accès, le tas augmente ... Mais si on tourne le dos à ça, l'endroit est (presque) magique, avec cette eau si claire ...

There must have been 10 people on this beach, probably because it is not super easy accessible (take the road from Alcudia, ride one hour, take a gravelly path, leave the bikes, walk on a small path for 20 minutes, go down to the beach along the side of a mountain, on rocks, and there you are). This might also have explained the amount of garbage found on the middle of the beach. It seemed that people didn't bother taking back their trash and left it there ... And of course, as the place is not easily accessible, the pile grows ... But if you look on the other side (that is, the sea side), the place is (almost) magic, with a water so clear ...

... waves ...

... and this water !

On the way back to Campanet

16 September 2008

Charlottenlund & Klampenborg strand, forest (11/09)

Juste une série de photos que j'ai fait la semaine dernière sur les plages de Charlottenlund et Klampenborg et dans la forêt avoisinante (pour voir en plus grand, cliquer dessus - si je le fais moi, ça ruine la mise en page).

Just a set of pictures I made last week on Charlottenlund beach, Klampenborg beach and in the forest close by (same as always, click on the picture to make it bigger - can't do it myself, it fucks up the layout of the page).

Pontoon in Hellerup

Charlottenlund Søbad, a private pontoon

On Charlottenlund beach

Look around

A grey-ished view of the harbour from Charlottenlund beach

Klampenborg beach

Klampenborg pontoon

The man-tree (or tree-man)
